I read articles all the time about the safest forms of exercise, the most damaging forms of exercise, the best exercises for building muscle or losing weight, and so on. […]
When most people decide they want to lose weight and “get healthier,” they buy new running shoes. They either get a membership at the local gym or buy their own […]
I’ve often had patients, friends, and business consultants ask me why we don’t put before-and-after pictures on the Natural Healthcare Center website. They ask why we don’t post videos of […]
I was reading an article about steady-state training on T Nation, a publication about high-performance fitness and health. Steady-state training or cardio is essentially exercise that involves performing the same […]
They’re not sexy. You can’t see them on the beach. Most people don’t know their names. But when properly trained, they can dramatically reduce the risk of spinal pain and […]
People often make the assumption that the best way to fix their back pain is to do exercises that they think will strengthen those muscles. Maybe they do dead lifts. […]
Did you know running can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and death? It can also improve body composition and help with stress management and anxiety. Maybe you’ve been […]
During the Olympics, we saw world-class gymnasts hurl themselves into the air and land on their feet. If the average person tried to perform these moves, their joints and discs […]
For the better part of the last two months on this blog and my Proodian Healthcare By Design radio program, I’ve been discussing what we need to do to change […]
Last week, I discussed why exercise needs to be prescribed like medicine is prescribed, according to the specific needs of each individual. This is why it makes no sense to […]
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Long Branch, NJ 07740
P: (732) 222-2219
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Thursday: 9AM–3PM
Friday: 8AM–7PM
Saturday: 9AM–1PM
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Sunday: Closed