(732) 222-2219

Study Links Low Testosterone with Early Death: What You Should Know

July 15, 2024

image of a man with low testosterone

According to a study of mortality and death rates that spanned decades, men with low testosterone levels are 60 percent more like to die early – from all causes. Not just more likely to die from a specific condition, but any condition. Low testosterone has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and type II diabetes, but we now know about the more serious risk of death from all causes.

To make matters worse, testosterone levels in men have been dropping for generations. A 40-year-old man today has the same level of testosterone as a 70-year-old man 40 years ago. In fact, about four in 10 men over 45 in the U.S. have low testosterone today.

Obviously, something went wrong to cause such a decrease in testosterone. Much of the problem lies with the same lifestyle patterns that have contributed to the chronic illness epidemic we continue to face.

Higher rates of obesity. Poor nutrition. Lack of activity. Too much cardiovascular training and not enough weight training to build muscle. Long-term use of prescription medication. High stress levels. Inadequate sleep. Toxins in the environment and food supply.

These lifestyle factors have a direct impact on testosterone levels, which have a direct impact on muscle mass and strength, bone density, and red blood cell production. Common symptoms of low testosterone include but are not limited to:

  • Low libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Loss of muscle mass and strength
  • Decreased bone density
  • Increased belly fat
  • Body hair loss
  • Low energy and fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Enlarged breast tissue

What You Should Do About Low Testosterone

The first step is to gather information. There is a simple blood test that will show your testosterone level. Generally, it’s a good idea for men to begin testing at age 40 and continue monitoring their testosterone level. If you’re experiencing multiple symptoms of low testosterone at a younger age, consider earlier testing. 

Keep in mind that a standalone testosterone blood panel is not enough. A comprehensive blood test that measures other hormones and inflammatory markers is critical. It’s important to look beyond testosterone. Similarly, test results should be part of a larger conversation about your health history and lifestyle. After all, symptoms of low testosterone don’t happen in a vacuum. 

Testosterone is a hormone and part of your endocrine system, which should be balanced and tuned like an orchestra for the body and all of its interconnected systems to function properly. This requires attention to nutrition, fitness, stress, medications, and other lifestyle factors that affect your health.

When I meet with a new patient for a complimentary consultation at Natural Healthcare Center, this is what we do. If you have blood testing and diagnostic imaging, I’ll review them with you and tell you what I see. We’ll discuss your health history and lifestyle in detail. 

If you’re experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, or blood testing shows low testosterone levels, I can refer you to a specialist for deeper blood testing and treatment options, such as hormone replacement therapy or testosterone replacement therapy. This will be based on your condition as an individual and the recommendations of a specialist.

Of course, any treatment protocol must include lifestyle change – personalized nutrition protocols, proper diet based on individual genetics (nutrigenomics), personalized exercise programs (NHC Fitness), stress reduction strategies, and more.

Let’s remember that low testosterone can be a serious issue. Addressing the issue begins with greater awareness and understanding of its causes and symptoms. Through proper testing, personalized treatment, and lifestyle change, every individual has the potential to feel better, function better, and live longer.

Dr. Proodian

Dr. James Proodian is an accomplished chiropractic physician, health educator, and professional public speaker who founded Proodian Healthcare Family of Companies to help people feel better, function better, and live longer. His expertise is in identifying clinical imbalances and restoring the body to health and functionality. Contact: jproodian@naturalhc.com or (732) 222‑2219.